Last edited by muddasser In 2021-4-30 05:44 Editor
We're working with Livox Horizon and use the Livox Viewer software at the Institute of Applied Optics (ITO), University of Stuttgart provided by you for visualization and analysis. We wanted to quickly reuse it in our software pipeline, example for packet parsing, accumulation, synchronization and finally visualization. Hence wanted to know if the software source code can be shared or made available to us.
If not I wanted to know if there is a possibility for using the Livox Viewer from other applications. For example using COM interfaces (for windows version) or exported functions from dll's which we could use. I could not find anything in the documentation which I went through. Hence it would be great if you could provide any info on the same. It would greatly help us if the tool source code could be shared for reuse. Thanks in advance.
Best Regards, Muddasser