I was wondering if someoner would be able to help me setup my Livox AVIA to work with a Jetson AGX Xavier.I'm hoping to utilise the ROS driver as my system currently uses ROS for various other components.
I have followed the installion instructions on both the Livox-SDK page and the ROS driver page a few times but have had no success.
Any help or advice would be much appreciated.
P.S. I understnand that this is incredibly vague and therefore would be hard to help therefore a Microsoft Teams or Zoom call would maybe suit better.
I'm afraid we are still having issues.
As requested via email, I would be very keen to meet with one of your support agents virtually.
A more hands on approach to my request should save us all time in the end.
Also, do you happen to know where I might be able to find a right-angle data cable. I don't mean an ethernet cable but instead in the cable to goes from the control box to the Lidar.
Thank you for this.
I had already seen this product on this DJI store and have forwarded it on to our manufacturer.
Could you by any chance supply an instruction manual for the Livox ROS driver that might give a little more detail for beginners that are having issues?
If ros is installed correctly, all launches should be successfully run by following the instructions in the livox_ros_driver README.
Maybe you can find the information you need on the ros wiki. http://wiki.ros.org/
Commonly used commands:
roscore/rosbag play/rosbag record/rostopic list etc.