Firstly we greatly appreciate your time here. We are working with a customerand implementing the LIVOX MD-40 solution with the python library. Our computeplatform is a Jetson nano. Initially we used the LIVOXrecording feature and were able to get 20 K points. Therefore we used the samesetting in our code. However, when operating the Livox MD-40 Lidar using theopenPyLivox library, we are noticing that a 200ms Lidar scan gives only about10k number of points. We were expecting 20k points as the Lidar is capable of ascanning rate of 100,000 points/sec. I am sure we are missing some settingshere probably and was wondering if you could please provide us some guidance onhow to acquire more points for a 200ms scan time?. We would greatly appreciateyour help here. Program Name:
Version: 1.1.0