I am testing a coating for reflectvity with the tele-15 product. Now I see that some points in the pointcloud have a reflectivity value of 0 . Does anyone have some more information about this used scale? What exactly does it mean that a point is zero or 150? Is a point of 150 better vissible for LiDAR systems, and therefore better recognizable for let's say > https://github.com/Livox-SDK/livox_detection_simu
When detecting the color of an object, the black self-reflectivity itself is very low, and the material is specular reflection, the light received by the lidar will be very weak, and it is also related to the angle between the lidar and the measured object. When our lidar receives a severely distorted spot, it will filter these points.
What do you mean with "filter these points"? They are still visible as "0" or what is the difference between "0" and filtered points? Can "0" be seen as "noise"?