We have been testing the tele-15 and have another question.
We use a 3M retroreflective jacket as a reference object. This jacket reflects very brightly with a flashlight from a distance of 0 to a long way.
However, when you measure this jacket with the Tele-15 the retroreflectivity starts at about 150. The retroreflectivity starts to increase to 250 at about 17-20 meters. This is what we expect. Is this 17-20 meters a sort of minimum distance for the Tele-15 to work accurately?
Thank you.
There will be some deviations when measuring reflectivity with long-distance lidar.
Tele-15 has a longer range, and its reflectivity is calibrated based on the 20m standard. Generall, the reflectivity measured at 20m is the most accurate.
joostm Posted at 2021-11-29 23:40
Thank you for the quick reply! clear answer. Is the 0-255 score livox specific or is this used in ...
The reflectivity 0-255 is livox specific. 0 to 155 corresponds to the reflectivity within the range of 0 to 100% in the Lambertian reflection model. 151 to 255 corresponds to the reflectivity of target object with retroflection properties.
Why is there an overlap between 151 and 155? What does this overlap signify?
How do you differentiate between the lambertian range (0-155) and the reflection property range (151-255)?
joostm Posted at 2021-11-30 18:31
Why is there an overlap between 151 and 155? What does this overlap signify?
How do you differenti ...
Oh, I'm sorry typed a wrong number. 0 to 150 corresponds the Lambertian. 151 to 255 corresponds to the reflectivity of target object with retroflection properties. And, Lambertian and the reflection properties are distinguished by optical analysis.
0-155 corresponds to reflectivity within the range of 0-100% in the Lambertian reflection model. 151-255 corresponds to the reflectivity of target objects with Retroflection properties.